Computer Ethics

What is computer ethics? 

Computer ethics refers to a set of rules or principles that guide how computers are used. It is like a code of conduct that helps people make ethical decisions when working with computers or using technology. These guidelines aim to prevent harm and promote responsible behavior. Computer ethics is important for not only those involved in developing and programming computers but also for users who interact with computer systems, especially on the internet. It provides a framework for ensuring that technology is used in a responsible and respectful manner, considering the potential impact on individuals and society as a whole. (Glyndwr, 2022)

The History of computer ethics

Computer ethics first rose to prominence during the Second World War, when MIT professor Norbert Wiener predicted significant social and ethical consequences to the cybernetics technology he was helping to develop.


glyndwr (2022) What is computer ethics?, North Wales Management School - Wrexham Glyndwr University. Available at:,influence%20behaviour%20and%20prevent%20harm. (Accessed: 23 May 2023).


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